miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2007

Multiple Intelligences
By Karen Rojas

This topic is polemic, because for many years people think that children that always do things l are children with attention deficit disorder, and recently studies reflects the contrary, they can have multiple intelligence.
Usually in schools the teachers use the same boring textbooks and never improvise, they do not think that all the children are different and do not learn in the same way. Teach in the old same way.
The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University. It suggests that the traditional notion of intelligence is so far too limited. Instead, Dr. Gardner proposes eight different intelligences to account for a broader range of human potential in children and adults. These intelligences are:
1-Linguistic intelligence-( word smart): Involves reading, writing, speaking, and conversing, in one's own or foreign languages.
2-Logical-mathematical intelligence-(number/ reasoning smart): Involves number and computing skills, and solve different kind of problems by logic.
3-Spatial intelligence- (picture smart). Involves the ability to create and manipulate mental images.
4-Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence-(body smart): Involves physical coordination and dexterity.
5-musical intelligence – (music smart): Involves understanding and expressing through music, or dance, or composing, playing, or conducting music.
6-interpersonal intelligence- (people smart): Involves how to communicate with other people and how to work and collaborate.
7-intrapersonal intelligence- (self smart): Involves the ability of control their emotions and thoughts and work with them.
8- Naturalist intelligence- (nature smart):Involves the ability of interactive with animals and plants.
The theory of multiple intelligences proposes a major transformation in our schools; It suggests that teachers be trained to present their lessons in a wide variety of ways using music, cooperative learning, art activities, role play, multimedia, field trips, and much more.
Unfortunately, many children who have these gifts don’t receive much help. Child has not the opportunity to learn in different ways with their unique minds.
For that reason the parents have the responsibility with children they must stimulating with toys, games, books and a comfortable environment when they are babies to find their abilities and weaknesses and reinforce it.

8 comentarios:

Karol Martinez Mena dijo...

Many people think that is so good that their children have a multiple intelligent, in general is so good but in some cases is so bad, because when the child will be in the school he going to feel many boredom, because for example he know to write and the other children only learn how to can write.
I think that nowadays is good and the reason is for that in the most cases the children don`t like to study so much.

Jocelyn dijo...

I really like so much this article , because , I am not agree with the way in costa Rica childernts recive their class .I believe more in other types of ways to learn funny not buring.The childrent are so intelligent they just need tools to learn , to develope their skills ,abilyties .They will be key for the future people for that reason I believe improve in the education for our childrent are the best investment now,tomorrow and always.

Paulino dijo...

Is important that everybody have option of learn.For this reason the opportunity of get knowledge in different ways may to give the change of increase the level of learning and the option of motivated the peolpe of study.

teacher visoba dijo...

karen how are you this topis is very important because many people do not know anything about that but you explain very good bye bye


Hello! Karen your topic is very interesting. I believe that have a child with multiple intelligence could be fine. I have never read about it, I just heard about it in comentaries by people in the street. Well, see you later!

charles dijo...

well I think this articule is very interesting and also will help the quality of the student or might increase the level of knowledge and also will inprove the traditional way to teach because with the use of all this intrument and element the student will be more focus in their studies and withuot feeling bored.

Deykelincita dijo...

Hi!! Karen for me we have to pay attention to these cases because when students have these problems the teachers have to adecuate or find different techniques or activities to teach. As we know those students are of special needs and is so important that they look their studies like something interesting and make an effort to learn!!!!bye

ANGEL dijo...

Your topic is so very intersting, I liked so much yuor article about the different intelligence because we have to remember that all the people are so different and they have different capacities.